Book Us To Speak

Need someone to come to speak to your group or help process a significant loss in your organization, company, school or church?

Processing loss can be difficult.

Want to never again wonder what to do or say to anyone experiencing a loss?

Sharon and Erica offer in-service training; they are designed to meet your specific needs and desires. They will carefully and tenderly walk this journey with you and those you refer for assistance.

So often people attempt to deal with their pain by trying to keep busy or by just giving it time. They may look fine on the outside but their broken heart, fear, and uncertainty on how to cope is most often hidden. Erica and Sharon can help you discover the signs that indicate help is needed. Not only is the emotional well-being of the person at stake, but hidden grief also costs U.S. companies more than $95 billion annually according to a Grief Index discussed in The Wall Street Journal Online article titled “Putting a Price Tag on Grief” 2012.

The “Grief Index” measuring sources of emotional pain ranging from miscarriage to pet loss and looks at some big numbers: Hidden grief cost. When your heart is broken your head doesn’t work right. We advocate that businesses offer more grief counseling, longer bereavement leaves, and more education on the topic.

To inquire about scheduling a free consultation or one of our in-service trainings or a speaking engagement for your group, school, church, or business contact us.