I Want To Have Sex Again

I Want To Have Sex Again

  “My mother just died and all I want to do is have sex.  Is this normal?”  These were the first words I heard over the phone after hello. Is this a joke was the first thought that went thought my head?  I simply answered, “Yes, this is a completely normal...
Going Back

Going Back

Going Back We all know what that means: going back to school. This year, it will be a little different. Pandemic! Wear a mask! Don’t wear a mask! Wash your hands! Check your temperature! Don’t touch your friend! How do we clean our area? Teachers are scared. Parents...
The Grieving Experience

The Grieving Experience

The Grieving Experience Something happens to us when we experience a loss.  A loss of any kind.  We responded to the loss with various emotions.  Friends this experience is called grief.  A time of deep sorrow. This experience is inevitable no matter who we are.  If...
The Magic Black and White Photo

The Magic Black and White Photo

Yesterday, I was challenged to put up a black and white photo of myself on social media. I don’t know about you, but I have a love hate relationship with challenges. I did it. I searched for a cutest picture of myself and turned it black and white. I love black and...
For the Mother without her Child

For the Mother without her Child

  For the Mother without her Child This is the last Mother’s Day post Donovan wrote for to me and when it shows up in my FB memories It’s always bittersweet. I miss him so much! Each year that passes holds dreams I will never see him or his bother achieve.  I...
Hey Girl…Put Down That Phone

Hey Girl…Put Down That Phone

Put Your Phone Down – Feel the Feelings Here is what had happened to me when I was grieving. I would have a thought about Austin or remember a conversation that I had with him. Then, BAM! It would be followed by this intense pain in my heart. I would experience an...