by Sisters | Mar 14, 2020 | Podcast
Erica and Sharon discuss how social media has given many people a platform to make very negative comments to one another. This can be especially challenging for grievers when they are trying to find support. They even discuss the negative comments made about Erica...
by Sisters | Mar 7, 2020 | Podcast
Sharon and Erica talk about how important it is to continue your healing journey once you start. There are layers to grief and until you get to the root of what is causing your pain you will not have true healing. This is accomplished by completing the necessary...
by Sisters | Feb 29, 2020 | Podcast
Erica and Sharon talk about the things that can trigger you when your heart is broken. Erica openly shares about the things that have triggered her in the past and how challenging they would have been to manage had she not done the necessary heart work. The sisters...
by Sisters | Feb 22, 2020 | Podcast
Sharon and Erica discuss the challenges grievers face with openly talking about grief. Unfortunately society is ill-equipped with how to talk about grief and often mislabel it and call it something other than grief. Grief is anything that causes your heart to break...
by Sisters | Feb 15, 2020 | Podcast
Erica and Sharon talk about how important it is to feel your feelings no matter how much it hurts. The sisters say “the only way out of the pain is through.” Erica shares her personal struggle after Donovan died and how she completely resisted feeling...
by Sisters | Feb 13, 2020 | Podcast
Erica and Sharon talk about how over commercialized Valentine’s Day has become and for grievers this can be very challenging. It is yet another reminder that their loved one is no longer with them. This can be due to divorce, break-up or a death. The sisters...